fungsi ganjil dan genap bahasa Inggris
- fungsi: function; funfair; logistic; function
- ganjil: anomalous; bizzare; eccentric; freak; freakish;
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- genap: even; even number; exact; end; whole; full;
- nombor genap dan ganjil: parity (mathematics)
- penjatahan ganjil-genap: odd–even rationing
- harmonik-harmonik genap dan gasal: even and odd harmonics
- sesuatu yg baru dan ganjil: novelty
- genap: even; even number; exact; end; whole; full; arranged; fulfill; total; round; entire; perfect; complete; sufficient; finished; cool; ready; completed; bring to completion
- ganjil: anomalous; bizzare; eccentric; freak; freakish; grotesque; incongruous; kooky; odd; peculiar; quaint; queer; screwy; singular; strange; uncommon; unnatural; bizarre; incredible; aberrant; anomalisti
- fungsi zeta dan fungsi-l: zeta and l-functions
- inti genap-genap: even-even nuclei; even-even nucleus
- templat fungsi dan format wikipedia: wikipedia formatting and function templates
- templat pemformatan dan fungsi wikipedia: wikipedia formatting and function templates
- angka genap: in round figures; even